PETA: March Is "Month of Action"

Now that it’s temporarily abandoned its campaign against McDonald’s, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is setting its sights on Burger King. A PETA press release recently announced that March is “Murder King Month of Action.” The release urged animal rights activists to,

Please take at least one hour in the month of March to ‘be there’ for all the animals slaughtered by Burger King. Please hold a demonstration or just pass out leaflets and stickers at your local Burger King restaurant.

PETA says it has produced “stickers, leaflets, posters, T-shirts, and an anti-Burger King video,” but no word yet on whether they will distribute a grotesque kids meal as they promised to do against McDonald’s.


Month of Action Against Burger King. Press Release, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, February 2001.

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