Guest Choice Network Quote of the Year

The Guest Choice Network is a coalition of restaurants and taverns that “stands up against the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, vegetarian activists and meddling bureaucrats who ‘know what’s best for you.'” It recently released its 3rd annual Nanny Awards given to those individuals and groups going to any extreme to protect people against themselves.

The group awarded its “Most Outrageous Quote of the Year” Award to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals‘ European campaign coordinator Toni Vernelli. According to Vernelli, “Serving a burger to your family today, knowing what we know, constitutes child abuse. You might as well give them weed killer.” (Or perhaps give them PETA propaganda).

It also gave the “Spoilsport of the Year Award” to United Poultry Concerns for that group’s campaign against the annual White House Easter Egg Roll.


2000 Nanny Awards. Guest Choice Network, Press Release, 2001.

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