Disagree with Tom Daschle? Watch What You Say!

Henry Hanks comes through again with a link to ridiculous comments by Tom Daschle, in which the soon-to-be Senate Minority Leader links people who publicly disagree with him to death threats he’s received,

“What happens when (radio talk show host) Rush Limbaugh attacks those of us in public life is that people aren’t satisfied just to listen,” the South Dakota Democrat explained. “They want to act because they get emotionally invested. And so, you know, the threats to those of us in public life go up dramatically, on our families and on us, in a way that’s very disconcerting.”

Daschle, whose office was a target in last year’s anthrax mail attacks, declined to go into detail about the nature of the threats. But he said that when he was accused by Republicans of being an obstructionists the number of threats against him and his family rose.

Ohmigod they called him an obstructionist — call out the National Guard.

Of course Daschle despises the obstructionist label because that was part of the Republican strategy in the mid-term elections. They painted Daschle has partisan intent on blocking important bills in Congress, such as the Homeland Security Act, and it worked rather well.

Apparently Daschle and others are forgetting how Bill Clinton used largely the same strategy to beat the tar out of Republicans over the otherwise boring appropriations process that led to the temporary shutdown of parts of the federal government in 1995.


Daschle: Shrill Political Talk Spurs Threats. Yahoo! News, November 20, 2002.