Fisk vs. Fisk

Robert Fisk has gotten so bizarre lately that even he seems to have trouble keeping track of what he believes in at any given moment (other that he despises anything having to do with the United States).

On October 9, 2002, he dismissed Bush’s talk of the possibility of “holy nuclear warriors” by claiming that Al Qaeda actually hates Saddam Hussein more than it hates the United States,

Forget that if Osama bin Laden ever acquired a nuclear weapon, he’d probably use it first on Saddam.

Right, just like Bin Laden had Al Qaeda operatives hijack planes and crash them into buildings in Iraq rather than bother with the World Trade Center. Sure, Robert, whatever you say.

But in an op-ed today about the Bali bombing, Fisk does a complete 180. After admitting that the bombing was likely performed by an Al Qaeda cell or spinoff, Fisk writes,

Australians were the principal victims and their murderers must have known they would be. So why were they targeted? John Howard has been among President Bush’s toughest supporters. Australia lined up to join the “war on terror” within 24 hours of the attacks on New York and Washington last year.

But wait a minute — I thought Al Qaeda hated Saddam Hussein more than anything. Odd that they’d use a nuclear weapon against Hussein first, but they’d prefer to blow up night clubs in the largest Muslim nation in the world instead.

So, forget for a moment that Robert Fisk is trying to make sense.


This crime proves none of us are safe – and Britons may well be the next targets. Robert Fisk, The Independent (UK), October 14, 2002.

What the US President wants us to forget. Robert Fisk, The Independent, October 9, 2002.

Anita Roddick Is a Moron (But Google Should Let Her Advertise)

Anita Roddick is a moron. She repeats the nonsensical claim by idiotarian Robert Fisk that John Malkovich threatened to kill him.

In fact what really happened was that Malkovich was talking to students when someone in the audience asked him who he would most like to “fight to the death.” Malkovich replied that “I’d rather just shoot them” than engage in a fight to the death, and named Fisk and a Scottish MP as his candidates of choice.

In the minds of lazy people unwilling to do any fact checking — like Anita Roddick — this has been transformed into some sort of overt threat on Fisk’s life.

But what is Google’s point in preventing her from taking out an AdWords ad just because she called John Malkovich “a vomitous worm.” What harm can come from allowing morons like Roddick to advertise?