Lou Dobbs Needs to Pay Attention

CNN’s Lou Dobbs apparently is spending so much time these days worrying that some Mexican immigrant is going to take his job that he can’t be bothered to keep up with other events in the news. From CNN yesterday,

DOBBS: And, in contrast, Ron, Senator Kerry was quick to disavow the deserter language that was used by one of his prominent supporters, I believe Michael Moore.

RON BROWNSTEIN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Yes, that was actually one of Wesley Clark supporters.

In fact Kerry has had his supporters raising this issue and when asked about it directly pleads that he is agnostic on the issue and simply doesn’t know whether or not it’s true but that it is a legitimate question to be raised.

Personally, I doubt the Bush’s National Guard service will be any more of an issue than it was in 2000 or that Bill Clinton’s efforts to avoid the draft affected him.

When Democrats Do It, It’s Not a Litmus Test

John Kerry has said that, if elected President, he will only nominate Supreme Court Justices who are pro-abortion. But, he is quick to add, this is not a litmus test,

Litmus tests are politically motivated tests; this is a constitutional right. I think people who go to the Supreme Court ought to interpret the Constitution as it is interpreted, and if they have another point of view, then they’re not supporting the Constitution, which is what a judge does.

Yeah, that’s a lot clearer now.

Of course this is Kerry’s version of what Gore had to do when he was running for president — try to explain away his previous votes and stands on abortions. Specifically, Kerry voted to confirm Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia and apparently now fears that vote will be used against him by Democrats in the primary.

Kerry is running his campaign as if he thinks he only has a small shot at winning and so needs to appeal to the Left of the Democratic Party. But, at least from here, he doesn’t handle flip-flopping on the issues very well — certainly not as well as Joseph Lieberman does.