John Lott Continues to Embarrass with ‘Freakonomics’ Lawsuit

John Lott continues to be an embarrassment to gun rights supporters, this time filing a lawsuit against University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt over Levitt’s bestselling book, Freakonomics.

I haven’t read Freakonomics but apparently the book claims that other researchers have been unable to reproduce Lott’s findings about the extent to which concealed carry laws lead to a decrease in crime. Lott charges that this is not true and that by claiming it is, Levitt is defaming him.

The lawsuit turns on the definition of the word “replicate” with Lott claiming that those who have not found a decrease in crime where concealed carry laws have been enacted did not “replicate” his studies since they relied on different methodologies.

Apparently Lott doesn’t think the last few years worth of revelations about the flawed methodology in his book More Guns, Less Crime and his bizarre personal behavior haven’t damaged his reputation enough, so he’s hoping to drive the nail in the coffin with a frivolous lawsuit.

Every new item about Lott brings me closer and closer to wondering if he and Michael Bellesisles weren’t separated at birth.


Best-seller leads scholar to file lawsuit. Michael Higgins, Chicago Tribune, April 11, 2006.