Happy Birthday Emma

My daughter turns 8 later this month and we had a birthday party for her this weekend. We’re sort of cycling through all of the cheesey birthday party themes, so this year we took her and several friends bowling.

Now nothing beats getting home from a party, looking through the pictures and seeing your 8-year-old striking a pose you might see at a Kid Rock concert (she’s actually just twirling her hair there).

Hey, these are my M&Ms, dad!

Heaven is a french fry.

The birthday girl ready for takeoff.

Hmmm… I got dad’s computer to reboot, I wonder if I can figure how to do the same thing with this one.

This is the only way to bowl. Run up to the lane and simply drop the ball. Then lay down and wait for five minutes while the bowl makes its way leisurely down the lane.

Any day now, that ball is going to get close to the pins.

Emma on the other hand was all professional.

Colin, on the other hand, could care less about bowling.

Fascinating. Really? You don’t say.

Contemplating plans for world domination.

Balloons! Ohmigod, they got me balloons!

A Day at the Zoo

We took the kids to the zoo yesterday. Of course they were the goofiest animals
in the park. First we had to eat as we arrived there shortly after noon.

Eating’s no problem for Colin. In fact it is his favorite activity (especially
if it involves chocolate pudding as it does above). If we’re a bit late getting
dinner ready, he will subtly remind us by taking all of the food he can get
his hands on, bringing it into the living room and proclaiming, “Eat!!”

Emma, on the other hand, barely eats at all. Why eat when you could drape your
hat over a small bucket like it was a person? It can take literally a couple
hours to get her to eat sufficiently (she takes medication which suppress appetite
as an unfortunate side effect).


Of course you have to look cool before entering the zoo. Couldn’t put your
cap on just any old way. (As she puts it, “I look like a dude, dad!”)

Using the giraffe-o-scope.

Hmm…Zebras…tastes like horse.

What would visiting the zoo be without a shot sitting on a gigantic steel cow?

And why look at the animals when you can play peek-a-boo with mom?