Stupid EB Games

There’s an EB Games store near where I work. I usually don’t shop there because I can’t stand the layout of this particular store. But I was in a hurry yesterday, so in between a bunch of other errands after work I stopped into pick up a copy of The Sims 2: Nightlife expansion.

I wasn’t surprised when the guy behind the counter told me that they don’t do returns on opened PC software due to piracy. It is a stupid policy, IMO, but whatever.

I became rather pissed off, however, when I realized that this applied to defective media as well. But there’s an out for those of us (like me) concerned about defective media — for an additional $3, they’ll “guarantee” the media against defects and allow such returns.

At which point a two word phrase came to mind which starts with “f” and ends with “off.”

Even Best Buy’s terms aren’t that stupid.

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