Escher vs. Star Wars Lego Projects

Just a couple of awesome Lego projects here. First, <a href=””>Seth Dillingham</a> sent me a link to <a href=””>this awesome Lego recreation</a> of a famous work of MC Escher’s,

<img src=”|images|2005_12_20_escher_lego.jpg”>

How do you top that? Well, I’m not sure this tops it, but <a href=”″>this E-Bay auction</a> of Republic Attack Cruiser comes close,

<img src=”|images|2005_12_20_star_wars_lego.jpg”>

That’s more than 8 feet long folks, built from more than 35,000 pieces by Erik Varszegi (pictured posing with the model above). Some lucky bidder paid $31,602 for the Lego model, including certificate of authenticity signed by George Lucas. The proceeds were donated to Habitat for Humanity’s hurricane relief efforts.

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