Worst. Candidate. Ever.

Hugh Hewitt claims,

Kerry’s problem is that he is simply the worst major party candidate of my lifetime, period running against a likeable incumbent backed by a growing economy and a record of bold action in the global war on terrorism.

I agree. Kerry is the worst candidate of my life time as well.

Well, except for Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, and Bob Dole.

I mean, come on — Kerry hasn’t done anything has stupid as Walter Mondale’s “Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won’t tell you. I just did” speech. That would have been dumb enough at a campaign stop, but Mondale said it in prime time as part of his acceptance speech. By far the dumbest thing I’ve seen during a presidential campaign in my lifetime, because it was intentional. Dukakis and Dole’s problems tended to be inadvertent, off-the-cuff problems. But Mondale actually sat with advisers and calculated that the best way to run against Reagan was to promise a tax increase. What a maroon!

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