Is Bill Burkett the Source for the Memos?

According to the Washington Post,

Documents allegedly written by a deceased officer that raised questions about President Bush’s service with the Texas Air National Guard bore markings showing they had been faxed to CBS News from a Kinko’s copy shop in Abilene, Tex., according to another former Guard officer who was shown the records by the network.

. . .

There is only one Kinko’s in Abilene, and it is 21 miles from the Baird, Tex., home of retired Texas National Guard officer Bill Burkett, who has been named by several news outlets as a possible source for the documents.

Again, if Bill Burkett turns out to have been the source, then CBS’ reputation is further trashed. Remember, they claimed that their source for the documents was an “unimpeachable” individual. Nobody in their right mind would describe Burkett that way (regardless of whether you find Burkett believable or not, he’s a partisan with an axe to grind.)


CBS Guard Documents Traced to Tex. Kinko’s. Michael Dobbs, Washington post, September 16, 2004.

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