CBS Maintains Documents Are Authentic

CBS continues to maintain the documents it showed on Wednesday about Bush’s military service are authentic. But they still have yet to give any evidence of why we should accept it as authentic. The best they have is this,

At this time, however, CBS News states with absolute certainty that the ability to produce the “th” superscript mentioned in reports about the documents did exist on typewriters as early as 1968, and in fact is in President Bush’s official military records released by the White House.

Yawn. The problem is that all of the superscripted “th” combinations that people have been pointing out in authentic records are in monotype fonts and they are not true superscripts. Rather than extending above the tops of the characters as the superscripted “th” seen in the apparently forged documents, these “th” combos are 3/4 of the font size tall and simply leave a bit of white space between the bottom of the superscript and the line to give the appearance of being raised. They don’t extend above the tops of the normal characters and aren’t in proportionally spaced fonts, much less in Times Roman.

Apparently Dan Rather is going to address the forgery claims on tonight’s CBS News broadcast.

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