Where’s WinerLog When You Need It?

I can’t be the only person who laughed out loud reading Dave Winer lecturing the New York Times about it’s lack of inclusion in Google. A Times story complained that blog entries come up before Time stories in Google searches. But Winer points out that it’s The Times’ own damn fault because it is telling Google not to index it.

Hmmm . . . I seem to remember a couple years ago that Winer was having a fit because Google had stopped indexing Userland-related sites. When another developer tried to point out that, as with the Times, the problem was not with Google but rather with Userland.

Rather than take that to heart, Winer went on one of his patented fits accusing the helpful independent developer of not knowing what he was talking about and other sorts of hateful invective. Of course, when it turned out that Userland itself was responsible for the Google de-indexing, Winer didn’t offer even a hint of a public apology.

Winer should count his blessings that the Times (generally) doesn’t play the game that way.

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