Go, Lisa, Go!

About six weeks ago, my wife Lisa started a weight loss program. So far she’s lost 17 pounds and counting. I lost 12 pounds during the same period.

Our secret? Weight lifting three times a week, cardio two to three times a week, and keeping calorie intake at moderate levels. We really wanted something we could to do lose weight at a reasonable pace and not fall into the trap of losing a ton of weight quickly on some fad diet and then gain it all back later (like most of our friends who have gone the high-protein diet route have done).

One thought on “Go, Lisa, Go!”

  1. May I also share that you should keep track of what you’re doing by using a weigh training journal. With a log you can look back weeks or months ago (or even years) and see your progress. That can boost morale. But the real value is in the here and now. Two points:

    1. You’re less likely to skip a workout if you’ve got a written schedule. It’s easier to stick to your plan.
    2. Before each day’s workout, look at the last time you did that exercise. Now, pick something to beat: the weight, the number of reps, an extra set.

    The entire point: with a log/journal, you’ll work harder and see faster progress.

    More info here:
    Workout Journal

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