Go Fly a Kite

My daughter had been pestering me to go bike riding, and the weather cleared
up enough for us to venture out (with me on my rollerblades) to a local bike
trail a couple weeks ago.

Of course once she saw the monkey bars/slide/swing combination set in the park,
it was all over. She spent about 3 minutes in total on the bike:

Then it was off to a small park at the university to fly our new Spider-Man


Of course when you’re six, the kite tends to spend a lot of time on the ground
(hmmm . . . happens to me a lot too, but I figure that’s just because I’m uncoordinated):

But when the kite finally gets in the air, it’s a thing of wonder:

I had to bribe Emma with ice cream to get her to sit still for this shot:

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