Conversant and the Interconnected Weblog

Apparently there are quite a few people like me wanting to organize isolated weblog-style posts into more meaningful collections of information. One proposed solution is to use a weblog front-end for a Wiki (with “biki” and “bliki” being the proposed terms for such said convergence).

This is, of course, exactly what I’ve been working on producing over the past couple years with Conversant . It’s been an amazing process, especially watching the feedback back and forth between the developers and users of Conversant which have helped make it an outstanding tool for the sort of personal knowledge management that the biki folks are looking for.

On this site alone, for example, the weblog posts are filtered into almost 220 different categories or subcategories in a process that just adds a few seconds to the posting process. Once a new entry is posted it is automatically added to the respective category page(s). In addition, there is an enormous amount of cross-linking going on, so articles show links to the category pages that they are relevant to, and the category pages also link to other relevant category pages. So, for example, the category page about the 2000 election links automatically to the Al Gore, George W. Bush, and Ralph Nader topical pages (which, in turn, link automatically to the 2000 election page).

Every single category page also has its own RSS feed which is linked to via the little orange XML icon (and also included in the header of the page for autodiscovery). For example, here is the 2000 Election RSS feed.

At the moment across the six web sites I run, I have almost 1,400 separate categories into which posts are sorted, each with an accompanying category page and RSS feed. My animal rights site currently has 524 separate categories, and adds about one a day.

Everything I do is strictly just a one man show, but the system has the capability to create groups and give permissions to such groups to edit, add, etc. categories and category pages.

Update: the title of this essay was originally “Weblogs+Wiki=Conversant.” This was changed to avoid confusion — Conversant has the features to make an interconnected weblog built in, but it has a different featureset than a Wiki.

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