Barbara Streisand’s Political Donations

USA Today’s Life section had a front page story today about Hollywood liberals who donate to Democratic candidates — no big surprise there. One of the people they highlighted as a Hollywood donor was Barbara Streisand. Again, no shock there that Streisand gives freely to Democratic candidates.

What did shock me was the list of precisely who Streisand had given money to — specifically that she had donated $1,000 to the campaign of Al Sharpton.

I knew Streisand was out there on the Democratic fringe, but I didn’t realize she supported even extremists like Sharpton. It amazes me that a man with a history of anti-Semitism and of encouraging violence is allowed the in Democratic debates and receives the supporter of people like Streisand (and, no less, by people who accuse Bush of being a frightening extremist).


Candidates bask in Hollywood glamour, greenbacks. Cesar G. Soriano, USA Today, December 8, 2003.

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