Seeing the Doctor

Today I went in and saw my doctor about the viral infection that’s been making me feel lousy most of this week.

Not very interesting, perhaps, except my doctor has a peculiar habit that I’ve never seen any other physician do and which is simultaneously scary/intriguing — when he gets to the point where he’s convinced he knows what’s wrong with you and starts to tell you what to do about it, he closes his eyes and tilts his head upward as if he’s concentrating on some universal truth.

So he’ll close his eyes and look to the ceiling while he says, “You need to take this antibiotic for the next five days.” Then he’ll open his eyes, look at you for a second, and then close his eyes again to say, “And makes sure you drink lots of fluids.”

It’s like doctoring as a performance art. Or maybe he’s got all the answers written on the back of his eyelids.

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