Hypocrisy at National Review

National Review Online recently fired columnist dropped syndicated columnist Ann Coulter’s column, whose post-9/11 columns were getting increasingly bizarre. For example, in one column discussing what should be done about the Arabs who were taped celebrating the attack, she suggested that the United States should “invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”

Jonah Goldberg, editor of National Review Online, is quoted in the Washington Post as saying, “We didn’t feel we wanted to be associated with the comments expressed in those two columns.”

Which would be understandable if Goldberg himself wasn’t in the habit of penning bizarre, borderline racist lines in his own NRO columns. For example, when there was much controversy between the United States and China over the fate of a downed spy plane, Goldberg published a column in which he actually wrote that,

In fact, I’ve got considerable sympathy for the Red Chinese — despite the fact that if my dog were a member of the American crew Jiang Zemin would have eaten him by now.

Apparently Goldberg has never heard of leading by example.

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