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McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse
Aquaman (Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Movie)
Aquaman (Justice League: Endless Winter)
The Arkham Knight (Batman: Arkham Knight)
Atom Smasher (Black Adam Movie)
Batman Hazmat Suit (Justice League: The Amazo Virus)
Batman (Superman: Speeding Bullets)
Batman Beyond vs. Justice Lord Batman (Batman Beyond 2.0)
Batman Duke Thomas (Tales From The Dark Multiverse)
Batrocitus (Dark Nights: Death Metal)
Batwoman Unmasked (Batman Beyond)
Black Adam (Justice League: Endless Winter)
Black Lightning (Final Crisis)
Earth-2 Batman (Batman: Arkham Knight)
Green Lantern Alan Scott (Day of Vengeance)
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner (Blackest Night)
Impulse (Flash War - Gold Label)
The Joker: The Clown (Batman: Three Jokers)
Nightwing (Batman: Knightfall)
Ra's Al Ghul (Batman: Arkham City)