Jack Chick Tracts, Only For Twitter

Just another nerd.
ESPN’s Seth Wickersham has an excellent look at the inside workings of the worst team in football and, apparently, one of the most poorly run organizations in sports–the Cleveland Browns.
The version of the Browns that emerges from Wickersham’s profile is the mother of all train wrecks, and this is typical of the sort of “can’t quite get anything right” nature of the organization.
Marketing executives wanted employees to see how fans were engaging with the Browns on social media, so they projected the Browns feed onto a giant wall at the facility. It was like broadcasting talk radio over the entire building, and one day in particular, it was worse than that. One of the marketing staffers entered a search for #dp — for Dawg Pound. The problem was, that hashtag carried a few different meanings, one of which triggered an array of porn to be broadcast onto a wall for the entire office to see for more than 20 minutes, until a tech employee killed the feed.
Couldn’t agree more.
When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing https://t.co/SIoAxatCjp
— Sarah Sanders (@SarahHuckabee) November 3, 2016
Medieval Death Bot is a Twitter bot with an accompanying Tumblr blog that simply tweets out summaries of deaths from medieval records.
Geoff. Curlevach, died 1298, got up mad & raving drunk, walked into the Soar outside the North gate & by accident fell in & drowned
— Medieval Death Bot (@DeathMedieval) October 23, 2017
Henry le Mason, died 1347, dug under a wall in the priory, which fell upon his head and broke it
— Medieval Death Bot (@DeathMedieval) October 13, 2017
Big Data Batman is a Twitter account that takes sentences with the phrase “big data” in them, and replaces that with Batman. Like this:
Perhaps you could use a cloud-based Batman platform that manages every aspect of analyzing…… https://t.co/ellElCRgkg
— Big Data Batman (@BigDataBatman) May 13, 2017
DownloadTwitterVideo.com will let you enter a URL to a Tweet that features a native Twitter video (for the love of god, why?) and will then give you links to download that video as an MP4 file.