Private Tags WordPress Plugin

Private Tags is a WordPress plugin that lets you specify tags or categories that are to be private — any post tagged with one of the private tags or categories is only viewable by the author of the post.

There’s also a mode to make all tags private by default, and then require the administrator to designate specific tags as public as needed.

WordPress Problem In Search of a Solution

WordPressSo awhile ago, I converted all of my WordPress Categories into Tags, and overall I’m much happier managing 1,000+ tags than 1,000+ categories (which is really because WordPress’ category implementation sucks, but anyways…)

So I have a lot of tag pages where I’d like to insert some different arbitrary text. So, for example, on the World of Warcraft tag page I’d like to insert some info about my toon and link to the WoW Armory section, etc.

One way to do this is to create a new tag.php template for each tag and insert the text there. So, for example, I could copy my normal tag page to tag-world-of-warcraft.php and then insert the tag there. Like I really want to do that for the 200-300 where I’d like to add some text.

And, as far as I can tell, there isn’t any other way to do it. Ideally, it would be nice to have some sort of custom database field that would allow a tag_description-style field, and then php code that could be placed in the tag template that would check to see if a tag_description exists for the given tag and then insert if if it does.

Anyone know of a plugin that can do something like that or some way to do this?

Conversant — Tagging Since 2001

It’s kind of funny to read things like this, from a Jan. 24, 2006 Wall Street Journal story,

While tech-heads have been using the method for the past year or so, tagging is now moving into the mainstream.

I don’t know if there were other services that allowed it at that time (and Lord knows I searched for them), but Macrobyte built an extensive, completely customizable tagging system into Conversant back in 2001. Conversant is the software that runs this site, and I’ve been extensively tagging all the articles I post here and at my other sites since then.

It’s nice to see the rest of the world finally catching up. And if you’re looking for a very forward-looking company for software development, check out Macrobyte.