Star Trek vs. Star Wars

Via Youtube, Star Trek vs. Star Wars. Only problem is that Star Trek is represented by the lameass TNG crew. Picard vs. Darth Vader? Give me a break — while Picard was having an existential crisis over the Prime Directive, Vader would chew him up and spit him out.

Not Kirk vs. Vader — that would be a real fight. The toupee vs. the helmet. Phasers vs. light sabers. And, of course, who picks up more hot chicks — Kirk or Han Solo.

Escher vs. Star Wars Lego Projects

Just a couple of awesome Lego projects here. First, <a href=””>Seth Dillingham</a> sent me a link to <a href=””>this awesome Lego recreation</a> of a famous work of MC Escher’s,

<img src=”|images|2005_12_20_escher_lego.jpg”>

How do you top that? Well, I’m not sure this tops it, but <a href=”″>this E-Bay auction</a> of Republic Attack Cruiser comes close,

<img src=”|images|2005_12_20_star_wars_lego.jpg”>

That’s more than 8 feet long folks, built from more than 35,000 pieces by Erik Varszegi (pictured posing with the model above). Some lucky bidder paid $31,602 for the Lego model, including certificate of authenticity signed by George Lucas. The proceeds were donated to Habitat for Humanity’s hurricane relief efforts.