Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean MMORPG

Disney is planning to release a Pirates of the Caribbean MMO to coincide with the third Pirates film later this year.

The game is getting some press because it will be free to download and play in an ad-supported model (think a windowed game with ads on the top or periphery of the window) or $9.95/month for the no-ad version.

MMORPG.Com has a preview of the game which doesn’t sound like it will be as child-oriented as Toon Town is, but probably not something that is going to rock the world of the World of Warcraft devotees either.

Frankly, as long as it doesn’t outright suck, the more pirate games the better.

Pirate Junk – A Web-Based Pirate Sim

Pirate Junk is a web-based pirate sim with one major drawback — at the moment it only runs under IE.

If you can get past that, this is a typical trading sim set in the mid-19th century. The player starts off with a ship and a small inheritance. From there, the player can upgrade the ship, sign on crew, and purchase goods in one port to trade in other ports. The goal is to accumulate the most gold possible.

The game cites the 1980s classic Taipan as its inspiration, and it is a fairly deep game considering it is entirely browser-based.

You can sign up for a free trial, and unlimited play is just $5.99.

Land Ho!

Yes! Lego Direct’s Brad Justus posted a message confirming a recent Lego rumor — several popular but unavailable Lego sets are going to be brought back and available for sale directly from Lego. Specifically, several of the excellent Pirates sets that Lego stopped manufacturing a few years ago, including the Armada Flagship. And, according to Justus, at very close to the original retail price.

And Justus promises more classic sets will soon be available from Lego Direct. Very good news. Now to get cracking on my Lego Kitten masterpiece. ;-]