What the F—?

Hmmm…just what the world needed — Wikipedians are building a list of films ordered by usage of everyone’s favorite expletive, including stats such as total number of instances the word occurs as well as a helpful FPM count.

What someone needs to do as a follow-up for the fanboys is a frak-per-minute count of all the Battlestar Galactica episodes (and am I the only one who absolutely loved this series until last season’s final episode which fracking sucked?)

Michigan Comic Con 2003

So last weekend I dragged my wife to the Motor City Comic Con in Novi so I
could get my geek on. It helped that my father-in-law was able to get us a free
pass in (admittance and parking alone would have been $41 — yikes!):

For the record, I did accomplish my main goal, which was to acquire an autographed
photo of my childhood hero, Herbert Jefferson, Jr. aka Lt. Boomer on Battlestar
Galactica. I’ve been to comic conventions before but never got anyone’s autograph.
I want the autograph, I just don’t want to be that guy standing in line for
the autograph, if you know what I mean.

Of course the main reason to visit comic conventions is to see all of the cool
things you could spend money you don’t have on. For example, must … have …

And while we’re at it, these Wolverine claw replicas are only $300. Maybe I
should have gone for the light saber hilt and posted a video of me doing my
Jedi moves online (on second thought, no, that would not be a good idea):

This is where bringing the wife along creates friction. I think that the giant
leech poster would look great in our living room, to which my wife replies that
I would look great sleeping on the porch.

Obligatory shot of convention geeks dressed as Storm Troopers:

This guy was a bit more original with his “V” costume, though he
should have sprung for some sort of voice modulator for the full effect:

Awesome display of Legos:

This is Jim Ottaviani. I sort of took his picture and then asked permission,
so I might as well pimp his books:

Ottaviani is the masermind behind several comic trade paperbacks dealing with
science such as Dignifying
Science: Stories about Women Scientists

. . . and Two-Fisted

I picked both of them up at his booth. Cory Doctorow was raving about these
books at Boing!Boing! months ago, and they are that good. My wife is a Monty
Python fan (imagine that, a medievalist fan of Monty Python — who woulda thunk
it?) She waned this for her office. I figure we could buy thousands of these
for the Department of Homeland Security and solve the terrorism threat once
and for all:

Me, I pretty much stuck to action figures and found a few good deals on some
RPGs. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon.