UPC on the Horror of Easter Eggs

    United Poultry Concerns will once again make its presence known at
the annual egg roll at the White House. The even features 2-to-6-year
old children pushing hard-boiled eggs down a 10-yard lane with plastic
soup ladles on the White House lawn. According to UPC, about 20,000
people attend the event annually and more than 7,000 hard boiled eggs
are used.

    UPC plans to have an information table near the White House detailing
the evils of eggs, including a promotional pamphlet answering the burning
question, “Where Do Eggs Come From?” (I believe the correct answer is


“Stick up for Chickens!” United Poultry Concerns Press Release, April

Newkirk's increasingly bizarre behavior, and UPC on the horrors of Easter eggs

    Americans for Medical Progress reported that after chicken magnate Frank
Purdue was involved in yet another major car accident (Purdue should have
been banned from driving years ago), Ingrid Newkirk sent him a bizarre
get well card which read, in part:

A chicken is like you in a lot of ways. The important difference
is that you can take pain killers, the police will arrest anyone they
find harassing you, you will never be transported for long hours in a
crate in which you cannot even stand up…

    I don’t really like to psychoanalyze people, but Newkirk’s behavior
seems to be getting extremely bizarre in the last 3-4 years. The card
of the text reads like she might be in dire need of some animal-tested


“Ingrid Again,” Americans for Medical Progress News, April 8, 2000.

Animal rights terrorist's conviction/sentencing will bolster RICO

    Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade member Joseph Bateman, 20, was to
be sentenced on April 12 after being convicted in February of felony criminal
mischief and misdemeanor possession of an “instrument of crime.” Although
Bateman still professes his innocence and called for demonstrations at
the court house, this conviction should strengthen the hand of Jacques
Ferber Furs’ lawsuit against CAFT.

    In that Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization-based lawsuit, Ferber essentially maintains that CAFT is
engaged in a criminal conspiracy to shut down its legitimate, legal business.
Such lawsuits have already succeeded against pro-life groups and individuals
who merely advocated breaking the law but apparently didn’t engage in
the act themselves. Having a CAFT member not only advocating breaking
the law but also being convicted for doing so, strengthens the Ferber
lawsuit immeasurably.

    If I were CAFT, I’d try to find a way to settle with Ferber quickly,
though since I’m not, the best outcome of the trial, beyond any verdict,
will hopefully be focusing a national spotlight on the endemic tolerance
and encouragement of illegal behavior by much of the animal rights movement.

PCRM, activists vs. March of Dimes

    Deviating from the moment from its “we’re just a public interest group”
script, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has launched a billboard
campaign against the March of Dimes Walkathon.

    The PCRM paid for billboards in parts of the country reading, “How many
animals will be killed with your March of Dimes donation?” A better question
would be, “How many people would die if PCRM banned animal experiments?”

    As March of Dimes spokeswoman Michelle Kling replied to a question about
the billboards from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, “Thousands of children
are alive today and millions of people are living healthier lives because
of advances in treatment and prevention made possible by March of Dimes-funded
research involving animals.”

    Meanwhile activists online were busy distributing sample letters for
people to write to corporate and celebrity sponsors of the March of Dimes.
The sample letter is typical animal rights cant claiming animal experiments
have played no role in better understanding birth defects.

Frankly, we are disturbed that MOD the charity has spent millions
of dollars on disturbing animal experiments that have contributed little
or nothing to the prevention and treatment of birth defects.

. . . MOD has also provided money for experimenters to give
nicotine, cocaine, and alcohol to animals, even though we already know
from human clinical experience that these substances can harm a developing

    That last line belongs in a college-level logic textbook as an example
of a false dichotomy – of course we now known cocaine and other substances
are potentially harmful to fetal development, but a) we gained a much
better understanding of the scope of such danger from animal experiments,
and b) studying exposure in animals allows for scientist to test a variety
of hypothesis on the total extent of such problems and possible treatments
much faster than could possibly be done in clinical trials. Scientists
might know that alcohol and cocaine can harm a human fetus, but there
is still so much we don’t know about the full effects of such exposure
and the best ways to treat or ameliorate such problems.


“Write to March of Dimes Sponsors” Physicians Committee for Responsible
Medicine press release, April 2000.

“March of Dimes gets flak for its funding of research with animals.”
Michael Stetz, San Diego Union-Tribune, April 7, 2000.

“PCRM Steps Up Attack On March of Dimes.” Americans for Medical Progress
Newsletter, April 8, 2000.

“Billboard criticizes March of Dimes; group’s ad in Dallas denounces
animal experiments.” Jeff Prince, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, April 1, 2000.

PETA: Stop Cruel License Plates

Of all things PETA could choose to pick on, the group actually decided to go after Wyoming’s license plates of all things. That state’s license plate features a silhouetted image of a cowboy riding a bucking horse, which in PETA’s world means it is promoting cruelty to animals.

“We are hopeful that when you learn about the lives of animals used in rodeos, you will not wish to promote and glorify these inhumane events on state license plates,” PETA’s Kristie Sigmon wrote in a letter to Wyoming Gov. Jim Geringer. “Treating ‘livestock’ like mechanical bulls makes Wyoming a laughing stock.”

Reality check here, folks — the only group that is a laughing stock because of this is PETA (and, by association, the rest of the animal rights movement.) Wyoming Republican Senator Craig Thomas told the Washington Times that PETA was “bucking up the wrong tree.”

It turns out the image of the cowboy on a bucking horse has a long tradition, going back to 1918 when it was worn as an insignia by soldiers from Wyoming who were serving in World War I.

Still, Sigmon insists that “Rodeo events are intentionally violent acts against animals for nothing more than cheap thrills,” but I think most Americans would agree with Thomas’ assessment of the flap — “One uould think an opganization like PETA, that at least figures to `e taken seriously, would have more impoptant things to focus itr attenthon on than maligning a tin license plate.”

Then again, maybe really they don’t.


PETA Assails Wyoming’s License Plate. Audrey Audson, Washington Times, May 25, 2000.

Penicillin and Animal Research

    The Seattle Post Intelligencer recently ran an excellent series of articles debunking a lot of animal rights myths about medical research. That didn’t stop one eighth grader at a local school from writing in to claim that penicillin kills guinea pigs. This claim is straight off of fact sheets (they should call them false sheets) by PETA and other groups. In a fact sheet titled “Drug Testing: Pain, Not Gain,” PETA claims that:

Penicillin would not be in use today if it had been tested on guinea pigs–common laboratory subjects–because penicillin kills guinea pigs.

    PETA doesn’t bother to cite the source of this claim (surprise), but it is actually based on a rather bizarre misreading of a study that examined the effects of prolonged exposure to very large doses of penicillin which does indeed tend to produce toxicity and death. Similar problems, however, occur with human beings who are exposed to very large doses of penicillin for long periods of time, and for much the same reason — in both the guinea pigs and human beings, the prolonged exposure to penicillin kills micro-organisms in the gut which creates a whole host of other problems.

    Leave it to the animal rights activists to claim that studies showing extremely high doses of penicillin administered for long periods of time can produce toxicity in guinea pigs means “penicillin kills guinea pigs.” They might as well say that if penicillin had been tested in human beings it never would have been approved because “penicillin harms human beings.”

    But the interesting thing, it turns out, is that penicillin was largely ignored for many decades after its initial discovery because it didn’t appear to have any beneficial effect in human beings. Only tests done in the first half of the century with mice finally convinced medical researchers that penicillin might have some broad benefits worth exploring.

    Dr. Robert Speth wrote a letter-to-the-editor outlining of the Seattle Post Intelligencer outlining the strange winding path that penicillin took and the crucial role of animal tests, which he has graciously permitted me to reprint:

Animals: Penicillin’s Success Came From Tests on Rats

By Robert Speth

    The animal rights movement has made schoolchildren primary targets of their
anti-research propaganda. The letter (May 14) from Victoria Wilkins, an
eighth-grader at Eckstein Middle School, is an example of how the animal
rights movement is victimizing children. The letter, which no doubt she took
great pains to write, is founded in the litany of inaccurate information used
by the animal rights movement to disparage animal research.

    While each of the arguments she poses against animal research can be
rebutted, her comment regarding penicillin is so inaccurate as to require
immediate correction.

    When penicillin was discovered in the 1870s, it was tested on humans. Its
effects were so erratic and unpredictable that it was ignored as a drug until
1940 when Sir Howard Florey tested it on eight mice injected with a lethal
dose of bacteria. Only the mice that got penicillin lived. The experiment was
so compelling that it quickly led to the use of penicillin in World War II,
saving thousands of soldiers’ lives.

    Florey used mice because he had so little penicillin he could not test it on
humans. Indeed, attempts to use penicillin in humans after Florey’s discovery
were still inconclusive. But, because the results in mice were so convincing,
Florey and his chemist purified their crude penicillin extract to obtain a
grade that worked reliably in humans.

    When animal rights activists tell children that penicillin kills guinea pigs
and, therefore, “If we had relied on animal research we would not have
penicillin” they are lying to our children.

    That is why teachers must be extremely vigilant with regard to the materials
distributed by animal rights groups for their curriculum. Children’s
schooling should not be a means for the animal rights movement to spread its
false propaganda.

    Dr Speth is Professor of Pharmacology and Neuroscience at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman WA. He is also a charter member and Past-President of the Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics, a Board Member of the National Animal Interest Alliance, an emeritus board member of the Washington Association for Biomedical Research, and a recipient of the Lewis J. Kettel award from Incurably Ill For Animal Research.