Why No RSS Feeds for Amazon Wish Lists?

Maybe I’m just out here on the cutting edge and no one else in the universe would find this useful, but I’m always amazed that Amazon doesn’t have RSS/Atom feeds for wishlists. I could subscribe to all of my relatives/friends wish lists in Google Reader and give Amazon yet another opportunity to suck up my hard earned cash.

But, alas, no. I gave up on Amazon Wish Lists awhile ago and was using TheThingsIWant.Com which pretty much sucked except that it had RSS feeds. But now it appears to be down for the count (offline the past few days).

Companies seem to omit services like this because the knock is that the average user has no idea what RSS is, much less why they’d want to use it. Which is true enough, I guess, but there are plenty of Amazon-related sites geared to non-technical users that at the moment are forced to scrap wish list information from Amazon. Why hamper the development of such services by not offering native RSS/Atom feeds?

6 thoughts on “Why No RSS Feeds for Amazon Wish Lists?”

  1. Amazon Wish Lists do have RSS feeds. The silly thing is that you can’t see it when you are logged in on your own list. If you have a public list, log out and then go to it either by URL or through Wish List search. Look in the upper right hand corner of the list. RSS!

  2. I just stared using Wish Radar.
    It will import Amazon Wish Lists, has RSS (for items below target price), and will notify when a target price is hit.

    I am looking for some other stuff too

  3. It is true. it was the same for the Vote list of movies at the IMDB site. So I have built an app for this. It is call Wish and BAM! it it let’s you share and follow Amazon Wish List via RSS or Auto Tweet any new item that appears in the list. Check it out 😉 and let me know how it was!

  4. So finally I have it working. To get an RSS feed of any Amazon Wish List you can:

    * Sign in with Twitter and enter your amazon URL, the get the RSS URL
    * or if you don’t have Twitter account, you can anonymously get the RSS feed of the Wish List

    To get the rss anonymously you have to:

    * Get the URL of your Amazon Wish List: mine for example http://amzn.com/w/2ATJ8WRTFQKRG
    * Double URL-encode it. You can use Duck Duck Go! URL Encode for doing this.

    Example: first pass – http://duckduckgo.com/?q=urlencode+http://amzn.com/w/2ATJ8WRTFQKRG and second pass copy the result and paste it in the input again and BAM!

    You should get something like this:

    * Now that you have your URL double encoded you have to build the RSS URL like this: http://www.wishandbam.com/list/http%253A%252F%252Famzn.com%252Fw%252F2ATJ8WRTFQKRG/rss

    And that’s it. You can subscribe to this URL or test it in your Browser.

    It also works in ALL the countries where there is an Amazon Wish List 😉

    Simple instructions are like this -> http://www.wishandbam.com/list/{wishlist-url-double-url-encode}/rss

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