Letting Your Online Friends Know When You’re Dead

Ran across this mini-essay on How to Share Your Obituary with Your Online Friends — you know, so they’ll stop e-mailing you insisting you finally PayPal that money you owe them. Personally, I’d prefer not dying but if that’s not possible…. Rez Plz!

Anyway, something my wife asked me the other day is what the hell she’s supposed to do with all of the data I’ve accumulated. And by that she doesn’t just mean this website, or the other 6 or 7 I run, but the 20TB worth of DVDs I’ve got neatly stored in the basement.

Now I figure she’s going to want to sit around and reminisce over the extensive screenshots I’ve got of my crawl from a lowly level 1 Rogue to a certified power-ganker, but she’s not so sure about that.  Hopefully by the time I die storage will be cheap enough that I can put it all on a server and have a script to open it up under a CC license after I die so the world can make what it will of my digital trail (or, more likely, simply ignore it).

Anyone got any plans for what happens with their data after they die?

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