PCRM May Not Have Many Physicians, But Its Got Alicia Silverstone

As most readers of this web site realize, very few members of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine are, in fact, physicians. But then again, who needs physicians when you’ve got Alicia Silverstone?

According to World Entertainment News Network, Silverstone was slated to speak at PCRM at its April The Art of Compassion Gala. According to WENN, Silverstone planned to discuss her advocacy of alternative medical therapies, including acupuncture and aromatherapy. No word on whether or not she also endorses magnets and chelation.

Silverstone styles herself as a not just a Clueless actress, but also something of a health consultant. She tells WENN (emphasis added),

I’d be at the farmer’s market and someone would ask me for tips about becoming a vegetarian. If I wasn’t an actor I’d be a hub of information for people who need help, whatever it is.

My favorite idea is to go to a grocery store and be at the front and show people what they should get because I love food and I love the grocery store, so I want to be able to help people find a good alternative choice.

I’ve also been helping sick people because a lot of my friends have been coming to me and saying, ‘My relative has cancer, can you help?’

I’ve been guiding them to alternative ways of healing and there’s been a lot of progress and it’s really rewarding. Just watching people take their lives and take control of their lives and get healthy on their own is the most rewarding experience.

Sounds like she and PCRM are a perfect fit.


Silverstone Fights for Alternative Medicines. World Entertainment News Network, March 28, 2005.

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