One More Conversant Rave

A couple years ago I received what I think was the strangest e-mail anyone’s ever sent me. The author of the e-mail was an individual who set up a web site devoted to the same topic as one of my web sites. I liked and respected his site, but the e-mail was to the point — he felt that my site was so well done that his had become pointless and he was shutting it down.

Wow. That floored me. Personally, I don’t think my sites are all that, especially since I get bored or busy quite frequently and just stop posting for months at a time.

Anyway, I’ve said a lot of things about Conversant in the five years since I moved all of my web sites to it (wow, can’t believe that much time has flown by). But the bottom line is this — pick any topic and using Conversant I could build a kick-ass site by myself that others would have to spend thousands of dollars and bring a team of people in to keep updated and organized.

I’m working on a special project now and, of course, I looked at all the sites that I’ll be competing with for attention. They all have made design decisions that leave me scratching my head thinking, “why would they do that?”

The answer is clear on closer inspection — the software they’re using to run their website pretty much limits them to that. So I’ll go live with my site this summer, and by January 2006 I’ll be in the top ten on Google for the search term while they’re still wrestling with their clutzy CMS.

So, in summary, give Conversant a try. It will turn you’re skinny weakling of a website into a muscle-bound one that all the search engines will love in just 15 minutes a day!

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