In March, the FBI released a sketch of a woman in her late teens to early twenties who is wanted for questioning in the November 14 raid by the Animal Liberation Front on University of Iowa’s Spence Lab.
According to the FBI, the woman is 5’2″ to 5’6″,
The suspect was last seen wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, light brown khaki pants, white tennis shoes, and a light blue plastic wrist watch. The suspect was also carrying a brown crocheted fabric purse with rope handles and a black nylon wallet with a picture of the animated character Tinker Bell on the side.
Animal rights extremists who broke into the lab stole hundreds of animals and did damage that is currently estimated at $450,000 and could go higher according to University of Iowa officials.
University of Iowa Psychology Department chair Gregg Ogden told the Associated Press that the loss of data on research projects was “much less than we had feared,” however.
The damages are mostly due to equipment destruction, cleanup costs, and the costs of additional security immediately after the break-in.
FBI releases UI suspect sketch. Steve Nicoles, KCRG-TV9, March 17, 2005.
U of Iowa research lab damage tops $450,000. Associated Press, March 18, 2005.