Its amazing what peace can actually do. In Ethiopia, crop production in 2004 was 24 percent higher than in the 2003, and 21 percent higher than the average of the previous five years according to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization and World Food Program.
Ethiopia is not yet food self-sufficient, however, but it is slowly edging to that point. In 2004, for example, Ethiopia required 965,000 tons of food to help prevent hunger among 7 million people who lacked enough food. This year it will only require about 387,500 tons of food to aid 2.2 million people who are at risk of not having enough food.
In part, that food aid is needed due to drought in the eastern and southern parts of the country. But in the northern and western country — with Ethiopia’s war with Eritrea over for the moment — farmers were able to concentrate on improving yields with better seeds and fertilizer.
Ethiopia’s crop production up 24%. The BBC, February 2, 2005.
Food Aids are badly needed by third world countries like in Africa in Asia.;’.
food aids are badly needed by third world countries and we really need to give something to the poor.*;*
food aids are mostly needed by the poor coutnries in africa and also in asia`~.
we can always give food aid to the african countries if we just save some pennies and donate it to them ,:,