Australian State Stops Production of Tip Sheet for Prostitutes

Reuters reported this month that the Western Australia recently decided to pull funding for a pamphlet that offered prostitutes tips on how to attract and keep customers.

According to Reuters, an organization called Phoenix was given AU$242,000 to “promote health care” among prostitutes. Prostitution is illegal in Western Australia, but according to Reuters is tolerated (and obviously if a state wants to keep something like AIDS in check, it is going to have to reach out to prostitutes regardless of their legal status).

But at least some of the money went to projects that were out and out promoting the sex industry. The pamphlet in question, called “Regulars,” advised prostitutes that to keep their regular customers coming back they should “always act like you enjoy it” and avoid wearing shoes in bed.

Phoenix also produces a magazine for sex workers that Western Australian health minister Bob Kucera told Reuters was virtually pornographic. In a prepared statement Kucera said,

The material Phoenix has produced appears to glamorize and promote the sex industry and much of it has nothing to do with health outcomes.

Hopefully the end to Phoenix’s grant will not result in a rash of prostitutes wearing shoes in bed.


State pulls plug on sex tip sheet. Reuters, June 5, 2003.

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