Alterman, Limbaugh and Apologies

While doing a little research on Eric Alterman’s wish in Esquire that Rush Limbaugh had gone deaf, I came across this post on a blog that makes an erroneous statement about one of Limbaugh’s more reprehensible statements.

During his television show’s run, Limbaugh told a story about a mythical White House dog and at the end of his bit a picture of Chelsea Clinton was displayed (Clinton was 12 or 13 at the time). According to the weblog linked to above. Alterman mentions this incident in his apology about his Limbaugh comment, and the blogger linked to above has this to say,

But since Limbaugh has apologized for the quip directed at Chelsea Clinton (which Alterman quotes), and Alterman clearly still holds it against him regardless, it’s fair to have the same standard for Alterman’s own apology.

But Limbaugh has never unequivocally apologized for his comments about Chelsea. As far as I can tell, the closest he’s come to apologizing was December 2002 when both he and Hillary Clinton were at the same wedding and the New York Observer reported that Limbaugh had privately apologized to Hillary Clinton about his comments about Chelsea.

Instead, at the time Limbaugh tried to pass off his insulting comments as a mistake by a staffer who supposedly showed the wrong picture — which is why his alleged apology to Hillary Clinton, if it actually happened, would have been news.

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