The United States Should Withhold Family Planning Money Over China

Columnist Chris Weinkopf recently surveyed the controversy over the U.S. contribution to the United Nations Population Fund and makes a compelling case that the U.S. President George W. Bush should withhold all $34 million allocated for that purpose by Congress.

Normally the authorization for the UNFPA funding includes a provision that deducts from the total however much the UNFPA uses in China. So if Congress approves $30 million and the UNFPA spends $2 million in China, the amount the United States gives the UNFPA would be $28 million.

When the Congress passed funding for then UNFPA in December 2001, however, it removed that automatic provision and instead left it to the president’s discretion to decide how much of the $34 million actually makes its way to the UNFPA.

At a minimum, Bush should withhold an amount equal to what the UNFPA plans to spend in China. The United States should not subsidize China’s hideous one-child policy.


Where “Choice” and “Life” Should Agree, but Don’t. Chris Weinkopf, FrontPageMagazine.Com, January 30, 2002.

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