Some of My Favorite Weblogs

I’ve been very distracted the past couple months (I can hear my wife yelling in the background, “the last few months? Try at least since the late 1980s”), and keep forgetting to highlight some of the excellent weblogs that I’ve added to my “must read every morning” list. So, without further ado,

  • Instapundit.Com — I’m not going to say about InstaPundit, since I’m jealous of all the traffic Glenn Reynolds receives as well as humbled by the fact that he writes even more than I do.
  • Fredrik K.R. Norman — Norman has what I think is easily the best site design I’ve seen for a weblog, and I visit it several times a day to catch up on his eclectic postings.
  • More Than Zero — Wow. Another site I’ve started checking several times a day. A lot of nice gems like The Unflappable Pursues the Unutterable
  • The Daily Grail — This site suffers from the pseudo-science angle, but they dig up a lot of fascinating links to legitimate news stories.
  • Catallaxy Files — an excellent, and regularly updated weblog from an Australian economist and “wannabe pundit.” Think Hayek on speed (that’s a good thing).

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