RadioPoint and the Limitations of Websites on the Desktop

The past few days, Dave Winer has been promoting RadioPoint, which is a tool for doing outline-based slide presentations with Radio. According to Winer,

Now we’re releasing an all-Radio presentation renderer. It’s designed to be easy to use, as a complement to your Radio weblog. Now if you want to do a presentation, just create a new file in the outliner, and choose a command from a menu to render it as a slide show. You can of course edit the template, to make it look however you want it to.

Interesting, but it highlights why I like Radio as an RSS aggregator but why I don’t want my web site on my desktop.

What happens when you arrive where you’re going to give your presentation and the marketing guys have updated numbers they want you to include in a table on sales, or you discover an embarassing typo as you’re prepping? Answer — you are out of luck.

If I am going to use web-based presentation systems, it is an absolute must that I be able to edit the content from the web browser itself at a moment’s notice, or I’m better off using something like PowerPoint.

With Radio I cannot even easily work on the presentation at more than one computer. With PowerPoint, I can copy the file and take it home to work on in my home machine. With a browser-based web CMS, I can edit it from any web browser. With Radio, I’m pretty much stuck with using the computer that I’ve got Radio installed on.

With those limitations, I don’t think you’ll see a lot of people using Radio for slide presentations.

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