Feminist Majority Foundation on the Evils of Political Advocacy

Although I am pro-abortion, the inanity of much of the pro-abortion movement continues to astound me. The anti-abortion group, The Center for Bioethical Reform (WARNING: their web site contains graphical images of aborted fetuses) has created an unorthodox and controversial way to spread its message.

It uses large trucks that are painted with billboard-sized images of aborted fetuses. Overlayed on the images is a single word — “Choice.”

According to The Feminist Majority Foundation’s Feminist Daily News Wire, by sending these trucks throughout the country, the CBR is “continu[ing] to harass, endanger, and misinform the American public.”

How ironic that the same feminist movement which once urged frank and open discussion about reproductive health now apparently considers a photo of an aborted fetus to be nothing less than harassment.

Feminist Majority Foundation Vice President Katherine Spillar manages to be misleading in her attempt to describe the billboard trucks as misleading themselves.

“The typical abortion is done at eight weeks or less, when we are talking about a pre-embryo the size of a grain of rice,” Spillar said. “Women know from their experience that those photos aren’t what an abortion is.”

Huh? Even if a typical abortion is done at eight weeks, how is it misleading to portray the results of an abortion done at a much later period of a pregnancy? Is Spillar claiming that no later term abortions are conducted? Or is she uncomfortable defending late term abortions?

Who needs enemies when the right of a woman to have an abortion has friends like the Feminist Majority Foundation?


Misleading anti-abortion billboards causing congestion on freeways. Feminist Daily News Wire, August 23, 2001.

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