Quotes from Mary Daly

What then can the label anti-male possibly mean when applied to works that expose these facts and invite women to free our Selves? … The courage to be logical — the courage to name — would require that we admit to ourselves that males and males only are the originators, planners, controllers, and legitimators of patriarchy. Patriarchy is the homeland of males; it is Father Land; and men are its agents. … The fact is that we live in a profoundly anti-female society, a misogynistic “civilization” in which men collectively victimize women, attacking us as personifications of their own paranoid fears, as The Enemy. Within this society it is men who rape, who sap women’s energy, who deny women economic and political power. … As a creative crystallizing of the movement beyond the State of Patriarchal Paralysis, this book is an act of Dis-possession; and hence, in a sense beyond the limitations of the label anti-male, it is absolutely Anti-androcrat, A-mazingly Anti-male, Furiously and Finally Female”
-Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism

“Males do indeed deeply identify with “unwanted fetal tissue,” for they sense as their own condition the role of controller, possessor, inhabitor of women. Draining female energy, they feel “fetal.” Since this perpetual fetal state is fatal to the Self of the eternal mother (Hostess), males fear women’s recognition of this real condition, which would render them infinitely “unwanted.” For this attraction/need of males for female energy, seen for what it is, is necrophilia — not in the sense of love for actual corpses, but of love for those victimized into a state of living death”
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.59.

“Male hatred of women expressed in such fetishized forms hides the deeper dimensions of envy, which remain unacknowledged. Thus we hear one male say of another’s “project” or invention, “That’s his baby.” We also hear men describe the books, papers, articles of other men as “pregnant” with meaning. Such deceptive expressions provide clues to the deeper levels of deception. They suggest that the procreative power which is really envied do in fact belong primarily to the realm of mind / spirit / creativity. Yet this envy is not necessarily a desire to be creative, but rather to draw — like fetuses — upon another’s (the mother’s) energy as a source. Thus men who identify as mothers (that is, supermothers controlling biological mothers) are really protecting their fetal selves. They wish to be the fetuses/astronauts and the supermothers/ground commanders, but not the biological vessels/spaceships which they relegate to the role of controlled containers, and later discard as trash.”
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.60

“It is impossible to miss symptoms of this male fertility syndrome in the multiple technological “creations” (artificial wombs) of the Fathers — such as homes, hospitals, corporate offices, airplanes, spaceships — which they inhabit and control. Moreover, these male-constructed artificial wombs are ultimately more tomb-like than womb-like, manifesting the profoundly necrophilic tendencies of technocracy.”
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.61

“Yet another application of this myth is the medically masterminded maze of lethal “choices” among surgical, chemical, and mechanical solutions to the Contraceptive Problem. It is obvious to Hags that few gynecologists recommend to their heterosexual patients the most foolproof of solutions, namely Mister-ectomy. It is women who choose to be agents of be-ing who have pointed out that tried and true, and therefore, taboo, “method.” The Spinsters who propose this way by our be-ing, liv-ing, speak-ing can do so with power precisely because we are not preoccupied with ways to get off the hook of the heterosexually defined contraceptive dilemma. “However, all females, from four-month-old babies to octogenarians are potential victims in a rapist society whose male members function as “lethal organs.”
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.239

“It is also of obvious significance that other lethal purifying medicine is working to ensure an even earlier extinction of women. Now that the model of female moral purity has been converted into pure sexual availability, the Purifiers have produced The Pill. This is known to increase risks of …[long list of claims] … Premenopausal Pill-popping thus prepares the way for premature death, the ultimate purification.”
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.250

“Since women on average survive men by a significant number of years, it should not be surprising that gynecology is functioning to remedy this unacceptable situation.”
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.260

“The gynecological profession and the popularizing media have combined their efforts to make the poisoning of women appear acceptable. Just as popping The Pill is both “normal” and normative for younger women, so is estrogen replacement therapy for their mothers and older sisters.”
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.286

“She [the enlightened woman] detects the pattern that is behind the deceptive patterns; she dis-covers the necrophilic nature of the fear in which he is fixated, which is also the fear he projects upon/injects into his snow white victims. This is not the fear of dying but the fear of living. As Valerie Solanas lucidly points out: “The male likes death — it excites him sexually and, already dead inside, he wants to die.” This statement would seem to be adequately substantiated/documented by the state of this male-controlled planet. If patriarchal males loved life, the planet would be different.”
-Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.352

On the Apollo space program:

“While overtly promoting the oppressive ideal of the nuclear family, this space spectacular subliminally appealed to erotic fantasies allegedly taboo in heterosexist society.”
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, p.63.

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