Protesters Leave Cyanide at Minneapolis McDonald's

    Activists protesting the meeting of the International Society for Animal Genetics conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota are being linked by police to two separate incidents in which canisters containing traces of cyanide were left at a Minneapolis-area McDonald’s as well as at at least two outdoor locations near the meeting place of the ISAG meeting. Along with being poisonous, cyanide is extremely explosive.

    Two firefighters and two McDonald’s patrons became slightly ill from fumes emitted from the cannister. Two suspects were caught on videotape leaving the canisters at the outdoor locations. Minneapolis police cited by the Associated Press claimed the individuals on the videotapes were recognized as being at the protest. Police also claimed a note was left at McDonald’s linking the cyanide canister to the protests, though the text of the note has not been released. Witnesses at the restaurant reported seeing several individuals leave behind the canister, but there was no word on whether or not the description of those people fit the description of those on the videotape of the earlier incident.

    Seventy protesters at the meeting were arrested on Monday, July 24, after clashing with police.


Police: Animal genetics protesters left traces of poison behind. The Associated Press, July 25, 2000

U.S. animal genetics parley sparks cyanide protest. Reuters. July 26, 2000.

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