MS Wins — Supreme Court Won’t Hear Case; Sends Antitrust Appeal to Lower Court

The Supreme Court today decided not to hear the Microsoft case immediately, but rather sent the case to an appeals court to wind its normal way through the judicial system. Bottom line: buy Microsoft ASAP as the stock is going to soar over the next few weeks.

Microsoft is downplaying the impact of the decision, but in reality it’s an enormous victory for the company. The appeals court is very likely to overturn part or even all of the excessive penalty against Microsoft, and whatever the final outcome of the case is it will take years to decide at which point the whole case will be even more irrelevant than it already is today.

(On the other hand, I think MS is going end up committing suicide with their .NET plans so don’t hold on to that stock too long. Disclaimer: if you’re seriously thinking of buying stock based on what I say, you need your head examined. Don’t blame me if .NET succeeds and you’re out a lot of money. Don’t blame me when pigs start flying either.)

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