Battle of the Kooks for the Reform Party Nomination

Somehow I got on a mailing list for supporters of John Hagelin, the kook fighting certifiable nut case Pat Buchanan for the Reform Party nomination (not that it matters, since Reform Party is quickly becoming even more irrelevant than the Libertarian Party — who thought that was even possible?)

Anyway, I’m somehow getting these updates from Hagelin supporters and one of them sends me an e-mail today which includes the following claim about Hagelin’s extremely high intelligence which is presumably supposed to make him more appealing to voters:

Dr. Hagelin has already challenged the other two main candidates to a mapping of their brain waves (his brain wave coherence levels were in the upper one
percent of measurement), but his opponents have refused. I think we know why.

I think we do know why — that might be the sort of thing to appeal to the nut cases in the Natural Law Party, but for normal people it’s a bright “KOOK” stamp on Hagelin’s forehead. Hagelin’s web site is hilarious since his main argument for president seems to be that he’s the smartest man in America (IQ 145 he claims) and, obviously, you want a smart scientist running the show. Unfortunately aside from his views on quantum physics, the 12 year old girl next door has more common sense and a better grip on reality than Hagelin.

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